Monday, March 22, 2010

Is there a place I can SCREAM???!!!!

.... Sometimes, life just deals you the worst hands... time after time... and time again! Sadly, as fun as it sounds, I've learned from experience (a sprained wrist, shattered knuckles, dislocated toes... you name it) that hitting things isn't the best way to deal with your frustrations.
Screaming your lungs off seems the safer outlet, provided you don't live in a neighborhood where neighbors hurl stuff ( phones, vases, TVs, Grand Pianos... Husbands...) at you for disturbing the peace!!!
For those of you who's neighbors, like mine, have guard dogs and shotguns, Screaming only complicates matters...(rabies shots aren't that funny!!!). So for your benefits, I have opened my asylum... feel free to scream all you want... someone is bound to hear you and maybe scream along. If you are lucky, the Big Ear in the sky may just hear as well.

Now there's a place I can scream!
I find that when I'm done screaming, I sometimes find healing as my words are echoed back at me. My mistakes stare me in the face and the solutions whisper to me in the calm after the storm.

I can't wait to scream my throat sore... there's so much in my life that needs sorting out!

Deep Breath.....